Carme Pinós signs the new project designed under sustainability criteria and integrated into the landscape, in which Vértice21 Ingeniería also participates. The execution of the project will be carried out by the construction company Inexo. The construction of this new winery is a work of great importance for the RODA Group, which began the Bodegas LA HORRA project in 2009 and is now ending with the construction of the final winery.
Corimbo, Bodegas La Horra

La Horra project
In search of the best lands for the cultivation of
Tempranillo outside of La Rioja. We decided to chose
the La Horra environment for its old vineyards.

Bodegas LA HORRA presents CORIMBO 2021, the new vintage of its most direct and fruity wine. An exceptional harvest in which its exciting aromatic power stands out, combined with a volume and a singularly fresh fruit.
CORIMBO is a photograph of the marked personality of the Ribera burgalesa terroir in which its Tinta Fina vineyards are located. A snapshot in which that singular freshness that characterizes this wine appears, the result of the respectful work and exquisite care of the vineyard. A work that in this vintage is enhanced by a singularly cool meteorological year, marked by the snow left by the Filomena storm.

Bodegas LA HORRA has received the Sustainable Wineries for Climate Protection certification. It is developed by the Spanish Wine Federation (FEV) and was born in 2015 as the first and only specific certification for wineries in terms of environmental sustainability. The SWfCP certification is aimed at the continuous improvement and sustainability of wineries, acting on four fundamental pillars: Environmental, Social, Economic and Governance.
For BODEGAS LA HORRA, the scientific research, the development and technological innovation are a bet for the future. The winery develops several lines of research: the first was the study of tannins and extraction methods to avoid astringency; then came BIOGERM, a project of enormous significance that seeks to recover the biodiversity of Tinta del País in the surroundings of La Horra, and the last was ASTRINO, a project whose objective is wines with friendly tannins, through the study of viticultural practices and natural oenological conditions.

Bodegas LA HORRA has joined Wine in Moderation, a unique coalition of responsible wine organizations that believe in a sustainable wine culture.